test d'efficacité du FAZUP

Don’t believe you are protected with an anti-radiation sticker for mobile phones (whatever the model)!

Unfortunately, this type of product is to be found on sale in chemists and organic food shops and even on sites specialized in the selling of electromagnetic protection products …

Herewith an article on the subject by the French Directorate-General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control

Here below is a demonstration of tests carried out by me with a calibrated device and recognized at the level of a court

> When the metallic anti-radiation sticker is attached to a mobile phone (often in front of the integrated antenna), the signals received by the mobile phone mast are weakened so the mast requests an increase in the phone’s emission power.

> In the same way, the signals received from the antenna are also weakened so the phone requests an increase in the mast’s transmissions. Mobile phone systems work that way.

The rate of attenuation announcedby the manufacturers (over 99%)does not correspond to reality!

In practice, with or without a sticker, the actual emission power measured around a mobile phone remains practically identical and is sometimes even more important when, for example, telephone calls are made in 3G. None of the stickers tested for mobile phones offer the user any protection and I have never recorded any significant decrease in the levels of radiation measured.

solution protection ondes smartphone
protection ondes d'un smartphone

Tests in laboratory conditions

Certain pouches or cases have an EMITECH certification. During a visit to this laboratory I made some enquiries.

In fact, with the help of a GSM communication system which orders the telephone to emit at full power, the tests are carried out with the telephone at maximum emission level. There is therefore no regulating of emission power between the phone and this system as in there actually exists in reality between the phone and the relay antenna.

When emitting at full power, the sticker will attenuate radiation anyway as the telephone cannot go any farther than its maximum power. In reality it doesn’t work that way. 

It must be noted that any product certified by a laboratory or patented does not offer any guarantee concerning the efficiency of the product under real working conditions. Tests are carried out under laboratory conditions following a pre-defined protocol for the product undergoing testing.

Demonstrations of measures carried out in real conditions

Using a spectrum probe NARDA SRM 3006, all the measurements have been carried out in 2G and 3G just on the telephone’s frequency emission band. The NARDA SRM 3006 is calibrated and used for carrying out official radiation measurements.

Intensity measurements are averaged out over a 30 second telephone call: the probe is placed at a distance of 35 cm.

A 2G call without an anti-radiation sticker


A 2G call with an anti-radiation sticker

FAZUP arnaque

In this example, the use of an anti-radiation sticker/patch on a mobile phone attenuates radiation density power received by the user during a 3G call by 1.9 which is totally ridiculous.

A 3G call without an anti-radiation sticker
test du patch fazup

A 3G call with an anti-radiation sticker

fazup escroquerie

The use of an anti-radiation sticker/patch multiplies by two the power radiation density during a 3G call.


The only way to considerably reduce exposure to mobile phone communications is to use 3G: 3G has at least 100 times less emission power (and up to several thousand times less) than in 2G and 20 times less emission power than in 4G.