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ALL ELECTROMAGNETIC POLLUTION, full international guide book, by David BRUNO

5G book

Here is the first complete and easily accessible guide which explains how to protect ourself from electromagnetic waves on a daily basis (mobile phone antennas and base stations, the 5G, WiFi, LiFi, Smart electric meters, wireless phones, computers, connected objects, Internet boxes, high-voltage power lines, electrical installations, heating). It is in fact possible to live with the new technologies that come with progress and be able to considerably limit the electromagnetic pollution that they emit.

Easily found solutions thanks to a rapid research system using key words. Progressive and educative explanations easy for all to understand. Precise answers to your questions concerning microwaves and their effects. Practical advice on how to provide protection for yourselves and your families.
Essential information to be protected from microwaves in an autonomous way. Eight complementary files (Special Smart Meters, mobile phones, children, pregnant women, electro-sensitive people, bio-compatible electricity).


David Bruno (, is a civil aviation engineer. He is a consultant and trainer in the field of electromagnetic pollution. He has developed successful diagnostic methods with an aim of reducing to a maximum the exposure of people to electromagnetic waves. He continually tests and carries out research to find the most efficient methods of protection. Consultant in environmental electromagnetic waves, he carries out diagnostics in private homes, in workplaces and for local councils who are concerned about the impact of mobile phone antenna on the general public. He has created this guide in order to fully share his knowledge and practical experience in a transparent and responsible manner.

All protections against 5G, by David BRUNO

What do we really know about how “5G” works and how it impacts the population ?
Is the “5G” mobile network just an enhanced follow-up version to the pre- vious “4G” system as its name suggests ? Have we reached a technological turning point ? These are just three of the basic questions to which the author has endeavoured to supply answers, notably in the light of the increased knowledge gathered during the course of tests and measurements carried out in real life conditions.

This is the author’s second publication concerning electromagnetic pollu- tion and is destined to provide answers for those curious minds who wish to unmask this new 5G technology in a totally transparent manner but also for any individual, either neophyte or experienced, who wishes to embark on individual actions and initiatives or simply put into practice electromagnetic hygiene for the benefit of all.

The technical content of this publication has the merit of being accessible and is eminently pragmatic, providing advice for an effective day-to-day protection against electromagnetic waves. Stimulated by a true commitment to share the results of his field experience, the author guides the reader step by step by providing information to help him or her make free and informed choices on how to use wireless tech- nologies in a reasoned way and no longer be subjected to their coercive encroachment on daily life or just blindly accepting their presence.


The author also evokes the other side to this technology – the social challen- ges and the repercussions of the 5G network on our lives. A civil aviation engineer, David BRUNO is also an independent expert in electromagnetic diagnosis that he carries out both on business premises and in private homes ( Both onsite and on-line training is available to demonstrate to the widest possible audience how to become self-sufficient in measuring exposure to elec- tromagnetic waves, to individually identify the best means of protection and acquire the practical knowledge necessary in order to significantlyreduce the impact of electromagnetic pollution within our environment.

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