// Fluorescent tubes (Neons)

It contains an integrated electronic cir-cuit, a source of electric and intense magnetic field emissions, radiating with frequencies up to sometimes tens of ki-lohertz when lit.

émission d'ondes d'un tube néon

It contains an integrated electronic cir-cuit, a source of electric and intense magnetic field emissions, radiating with frequencies up to sometimes tens of ki-lohertz when lit.

We find it mainly integrated in bathroom furniture where we can spend a lot of time, in offices and in stores…
When switched on, it emits the usual 50 Hz or 60 Hz radiation plus additional radiation (from 52 Khz to more than 10 Mhz).

Recommended Safe distance: 2 m

This is the range of the electric field in Khz and Mhz as measured by the NARDA spectrum analyser.

// Compact fluorescent bulbs

A low-consumption compact fluorescent is similar to a fluorescent tube that has been folded or wrapped around itself to reduce its size. It contains an integrated electronic circuit, a source of electric and intense magnetic field emissions, radiating with frequencies up to sometimes tens of kilohertz when lit. 

When switched on, it emits the usual 50 Hz or 60 Hz radiation plus additional radiation (from 57 Khz to more than 30 Mhz).

Recommended Safe distance : 

2 m

This is the range of the electric field in Khz and Mhz as measured by the NARDA spectrum analyser.

38,03 V/m measured near the bulb with NARDA SRM3006 spectrum analyser for the frequency band between 9 KHz to 32 MHz.

// LED bulbs

The LED bulb has a light intensity nearly ten times higher than incandescent bulbs for the same amount of power consumed. It has an integrated electronic circuit which gives off electric and magnetic fields.


When switched on, it emits the usual 50 Hz or 60 Hz radiation plus additional radiation (from 40 Khz to more than 16 Mhz).

Recommended Safe distance (1) : 1 m.

This is the range of the electric field in Khz and Mhz as measured by the NAR-DA spectrum analyser.
Gigahertz devices cannot detect the Khz radiation of a LED bulb.

10,58 V/m measured near the bulb with NARDA SRM3006 spectrum analyser for the frequency band between 9 KHz to 18 MHz.

My recommendation

              The halogène Bulbs

The filament LEDS

Halogen bulbs do not contain any integrated electronic circuits and only emit a 50 Hz or 60 Hz electric field (no electric or magnetic field in KHz).

Therefore the recommended safe dis–tance can be reduced.
Recommended safe distance (1) : 40 cm

The filament LED bulb (« vintage » style bulbs) only radiates in 50 Hz or 60 Hz electric field when lit.

Therefore the recommended safe dis–tance can be reduced.
Recommended safe distance (1) : 40 cm

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